Each cow bag is handmade with repurposed materials therefore imperfections can be part of the finished product. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your bag we will refund your purchase in full. Simply return the unused bag within 30 days of the original purchase date.
We want you to be happy return customer.
”I love, love, love my cow bags and get compliments every time I use them!!
(Yes,I have more than one of Judy’s bags.)
Jan -Wilmette, Illinois
“ The perfect blend of chic & practical! Cow bags are the best cross-body tote for running errands, heading to the office, or a night out. A worry free bag that can go in rain, fit your tablet, pack flat in the suitcase. Mine goes everywhere with me and everyone asks where I got my bag! “
Val-Winnetka, Illinois
Messenger bags regular price $122
Purchase multiple bags and take an additional 10% off the entire order after shipping.